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Privacy Policy

Introduction and Acceptance

Welcome to the RUNWAYCATALOG website located at (the “Website”) which includes all subdomains present and future. We hope you enjoy your visit and/or use of the Website, which may include the purchase of goods. By visiting and/or using the Website, you agree to be bound by the terms of the present Privacy Policy (the “Policy”).

RUNWAYCATALOG is owned and operated by 9562532 Canada Inc., a duly incorporated company in the province of Québec, Canada. Where the present Policy refers to “RUNWAYCATALOG”, it may refer to RUNWAYCATALOG or 9562532 Canada Inc. or both, depending on the context.       

RUNWAYCATALOG reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify or replace any of the Policy. Any changes to the Policy can be found at this URL. It is your responsibility to check the Policy periodically for changes. Your use of the Website following the posting of any changes to the Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.

The Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions, as both these documents govern your use of the Website. Where you have made a purchase, you are also governed by various policies regarding shopping, shipping, and returns.

In this Policy, a Website visitor or user may be referred to as “you”. When a Website user has created an account and is logged in, they may be referred to as a “Logged-in User”. When a Website user has made a purchase, they may be referred to as a “Client”.

If you have any questions about the Policy, or if you wish to inquire about and/or access any personal information RUNWAYCATALOG holds about you, please contact:


General Statement of Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

RUNWAYCATALOG takes your privacy and security of personal information very seriously. We have provided a secure environment and this strict Policy that describes the limited ways the information is used and the limited access to such information.

What Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

This Policy covers the treatment of personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) and other information gathered by RUNWAYCATALOG when you are using or accessing the Website. This Policy also covers RUNWAYCATALOG’s treatment of any Personal Information that RUNWAYCATALOG may share with its business partners or other third parties under very limited circumstances.

This Policy does not apply to the general practices and treatment of information (whether personal or not) by third parties that RUNWAYCATALOG does not own or control, including but not limited to any third party websites or services that you elect to access through the Website or via a link from the Website (“Third Party Website”), or to individuals that RUNWAYCATALOG does not manage or employ. While we attempt to facilitate access or link to only to those Third Party Websites that share our respect for your privacy, we cannot take responsibility for the content or privacy policies of those Third Party Websites. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policies of any Third Party Website you access. We have named and provided links to the most important of these Third Party Websites further in this Policy.

Finally, this Policy does not cover any Personal Information you send to RUNWAYCATALOG via any non-secured mode of communications such as email, Facebook messenger or Twitter, as communications via these methods may be subject to interception, loss, or alteration. While we welcome your comments and suggestions sent to us in this manner, we encourage you to carefully examine what Personal Information you send to RUNWAYCATALOG via these methods.

No Collection of Personal Information as a Matter of Course

RUNWAYCATALOG does not, as a matter of course, gather any of your Personal Information while you are using the Website, unless you are asked to provide such information, for example by signing up for an account or for the mailing list, or making a purchase. Personal Information is only gathered with your informed consent. Where you have provided Personal Information, it will only be used for the stated purpose.

Security of Information

RUNWAYCATALOG uses only industry best practices (physical, electronic, and procedural) in keeping any data collected (including Personal Information) secure. In addition, RUNWAYCATALOG uses third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Website, and these third parties have been selected for their high standards of security. 

Where you are making a purchase on the Website, all transaction data, including credit card information, is transferred by encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”), the standard for internet transactions.

Limited Gathering of Information for Statistical, Analytical and Security Purposes

RUNWAYCATALOG automatically collects certain information using a third-party analytics program, Google Analytics, to help us understand how our users use the Website, but none of this information identifies you personally. For example, each time you visit the Website we automatically collect your IP address, browser and computer type, access times, the web page from which you came, and the web page(s) you access (as applicable). We use information collected in this manner only to better understand your needs and the needs of the Website users in the aggregate. RUNWAYCATALOG also makes use of information gathered for statistical purposes to keep track of the number of visits to the Website and which pages on the Website with a view to introducing improvements.

RUNWAYCATALOG reserves the right to use additional analytical or statistical programs or services in the future. Where any Personal Information is transferred to a third party in this manner, this section will be updated accordingly, though there may be a delay in the update.

Your IP address and other relevant information may be used in order to trace any fraudulent or criminal activity, or any activity in violation of the Terms and Conditions.

Non-disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except as provided in the next paragraphs and the sections in this Policy regarding Analytics, Mailing List Management, Secured Payments, and Data Transfer from the European Economic Area, RUNWAYCATALOG does not divulge any Personal Information gathered via the Website to third parties. Moreover, RUNWAYCATALOG does not sell, rent, trade or license any Personal Information regarding its users to third parties. Only the employees, representatives, subcontractors, officers, agents, or assigns of RUNWAYCATALOG are responsible for the management and development of the Website, and only these individuals have access to the information collected there. These employees, representatives, subcontractors, officers, agents or assigns all have been instructed to comply with the Policy.

Notwithstanding anything in the Policy to the contrary, we may share any information we have collected about you or that you have submitted: (1) in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims or demands; (2) if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, or any violation of the Terms and Conditions; (3) if we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding situations that involve abuse of the Website infrastructure or the Internet in general (such as voluminous spamming, denial of service attacks, or attempts to compromise the security of the Website infrastructure or the Website generally); (4) to a parent company, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control with RUNWAYCATALOG (in which case we will require such entities to honour this Policy); (5) if RUNWAYCATALOG is acquired by or merged with another entity (in which case we will require such entity to assume our obligations under this Policy, or inform you that you are covered by a new privacy policy).

RUNWAYCATALOG uses certain third party services in order to augment the Website. Personal information may be transferred from RUNWAYCATALOG to these third party services, but only to the extent required in order for them to function properly, and only upon your express submission of such information. These third party services are limited to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Google+ for sharing of Website content. If you are not already logged in to those third party services, your Personal Information required to login to those accounts is transferred securely from RUNWAYCATALOG to the third party services. When your Personal Information is transferred to these third party services, it is covered by their respective privacy policies, which we encourage you to read.

Mailing List Management

RUNWAYCATALOG uses MailChimp to manage our mailing list and send out emails. Personal Information is transferred to MailChimp in order for the mailing list to function properly. Your Personal Information is only used for the proper sending out of email; MailChimp does not use this Personal Information for any other purpose, and will not transfer or sell your Personal Information to any other third party. For more information, please refer to MailChimp’s Privacy Policy. 

You may unsubscribe from RUNWAYCATALOG’s mailing list at any time, by following the link at the bottom of all RUNWAYCATALOG emails. A Logged-in User may also unsubscribe from the mailing list by adjusting their mailing list preferences on their account page.

Secured Payments

RUNWAYCATALOG provides two methods of secured payments for purchases made on the Website. You may use your credit card directly on the Website, in which case Personal Information is transferred securely to a third party payment processor, Stripe. You may also make purchases using PayPal. 

By making a purchase on the Website, you authorise RUNWAYCATALOG to use these payment processors and to transfer Personal Information to them, but only to the extent needed to complete the transaction. No credit card information is ever stored on servers controlled by RUNWAYCATALOG. Stripe and PayPal have our permission to store, on behalf of RUNWAYCATALOG, the data pertaining to the executed transactions by Clients of the Website (including credit card information) with the goal of ensuring a secure method of payment and proof of purchase archive, allowing for the protection of RUNWAYCATALOG Clients, and for follow-up as needed. This transactional data may be used for validation and registration purposes of RUNWAYCATALOG Clients, and to trace any fraudulent activities if necessary. When a Client makes a purchase and uses one of these payment processors, the Client is covered by the payment processor’s privacy policy. We encourage you to read Stripe’s and PayPal’s privacy policies to learn more about how your Personal Information is treated by those third parties.


RUNWAYCATALOG currently uses Polyvore to advertise on the internet and by visiting or using the Website you consent to this use.

Accounts and Deletion of Personal Information

You may create an account by entering your email address and choosing a password. It is your responsibility to create a password of sufficient length and complexity, and to keep it secure, in order to ensure the security of your Personal Information that can be accesses as a Logged-in User. Clients must create an account in order to make a purchase. Logged-in Users may provide addresses for billing and delivery purposes. Clients must provide billing and delivery addresses in order to make a purchase. These addresses will be stored by RUNWAYCATALOG, but will only be used for billing and delivery purposes on future purchases. A Logged-in User may permanently delete these stored addresses on their account page. 

If you wish to cancel your account and have all your Personal Information permanently deleted from our records, please contact us.

Data Transfer from the European Economic Area

If you are accessing the Website from the European Economic Area (the “EEA”, which includes all EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) you are covered by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (the “Data Protection Directive”). If you are a Logged-in User or Client you acknowledge and accept that your Personal Information is being transferred to countries outside the EEA. The Data Protection Directive permits your Personal Information to be transferred to countries that have an “adequate level of protection” for data. Your Personal Information is only being transferred to countries that meet this standard, which are limited to the following for the associated purpose: (1) Canada, to the offices of RUNWAYCATALOG for processing and fulfillment of your order; (2) the United States. Under the Data Protection Directive, your Personal Information may be transferred to a United States company if that company is certified under the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. RUNWAYCATALOG uses American companies Hostgator to host the Website and our business applications.

Tracking Technology (“Cookies”)

RUNWAYCATALOG uses tracking technology (“cookies”) on the Website and by using the Website you agree to their use. Cookies are small text files placed on your hard drive when you visit a web site, in order to track use of the site and to improve the user experience by storing certain data on your computer. The Website uses “session cookies,” which improve your user experience by storing certain information from your current visit on your computer.

Your browser can be set to refuse cookies or delete them after they have been stored. Please refer to your browser’s help section for instructions. Please note that deleting these cookies may reduce your user experience for the Website by requiring you to re-enter certain information, including information required to use the Website and make purchases, such as account login information. Furthermore, as we use authentication cookies, deleting those cookies may prevent certain functions, including the purchase process, from working at all. RUNWAYCATALOG shall not be held responsible for any function that may not operate after you delete cookies, or any damages (pecuniary or otherwise) arising from those functions not operating, or having reduced functionality.

Risks Associated with the Internet

Despite RUNWAYCATALOG’s efforts to ensure third parties will not access or obtain your Personal Information through your use of the Website, complete confidentiality and security cannot currently be guaranteed on the Internet. Communication via the Internet is subject to interception, loss, or alteration. You acknowledge and agree that RUNWAYCATALOG cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the transmission of confidential information or Personal Information over the Internet and that such communications are at your own risk. 

Limitation of Liability

RUNWAYCATALOG, and / or its respective officers, directors, owners, officials, partners, partnerships, principals, employees, affiliates and other related entities, servants, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the misuse of any information collected by any third party, or any misuse of any information collected through the Website not in violation of the Policy. 

Compliance with Privacy Laws and Anti-Spam Laws

This Policy and RUNWAYCATALOG’s practices in general are designed to be in compliance with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”, S.C. 2000, c. 5) and Quebec’s An Act Respecting the Protection Of Personal Information in the Private Sector (R.S.Q. c. P-39.1). If you have any questions regarding this compliance, please contact us. 

RUNWAYCATALOG is committed to ensuring that we respect anti-spam legislation, specifically the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. Ch. 103) and the Canadian law informally known as Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (“CASL”, S.C. 2010, c. 23). If you feel you have received emails from us in violation of these laws, please contact us using the contact information further up in this policy.
